Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journal #7: Superstitions

Superstitions are the most fun thing ever. Not really, but they're pretty awesome. Unless you actually believe in them, then they're just something else that scares you.

I don't really follow many superstitions. A lot of them are just common sense. Don't walk under ladders- something could fall on you. Don't break a mirror- duh, those shards are dangerous. And a lot of them I just ignore. I have a black cat, so it's pretty hard to not let her cross my path and avoid tripping over her.

My grandma used to be really superstitious. If she were still alive, she would be freaking out that I own a black cat, let alone that she crosses my path at least ten times a day. She always got really nervous when a bird flew into our windows at home. Apparently that means a family member is about to die. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if that were actually true because I have a huge family with a lot of old people that are all close to dying anyway.

Or it could just mean there are a lot of stupid birds at my house or just one bird that hasn't learned it's lesson yet. None of those options would surprise me in the slightest. I'm usually a very level-headed, rational person when it comes to things like that. Though I do enjoy reading about them and stuff like that: I think it's interesting.

The theatre superstitions are the best of all. My favorite is the "fact" that green is bad luck. According to a dictionary of superstitions that I read, whole troupes have been known to send back their scripts because they were bound in green. That seems really restricting to me. What if you really wanted to do a play about Robin Hood. You surely can't have him dressed in red, that would ruin everything. Another good one is that it's bad luck to use another actors makeup. That does make sense though, because if one person's sick and you use their makeup, then you would get sick as well.

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