Science vs. religion has always seemed like a pointless topic to me. Why does it matter how the world came about, just as long as it did?
There was a character on this TV show that I love (Bones) who was a devout Muslim. The other characters didn't see how he could be a scientist and still be religiously active. He said it was because he believed that Allah created the world and science is just the human way of trying to understand his work. I like how he blends religion and science into one. He does it so neatly that the other characters accept his reasoning and move on without asking any more questions.
Personally, I agree with that character from Bones. Except replacing God for Allah. I don't really see how anyone could argue with that logic except for atheists. If you're religious and you get into that argument, it's like would God or whoever really want you to be fighting? And if you're a scientist, it wouldn't be rational to get into that argument especially since it wouldn't gain anything. It just doesn't make sense to me.
That's really all I have to say on that subject, but I still need a lot more words. If I could have, I would have made this into a detective or spy thriller again, but I couldn't think up a plausible story that would incorporate the theme for today. I doubt I'll be able to use next class's theme in that way either. Such a shame. I could have written something awesome for those. A lot of my dreams involve me being a spy or detective in some shape or form. That fact makes it kind of surprising to realise that I don't necessarily want to be a spy or detective when I grow up. It would be cool, yeah, but I wouldn't actively pursue a career in that field. Maybe my fascination comes from the fact that espionage is such a fun word. It could also be that I read a lot of murder mystery books.
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