Good chapters, once again. I don't think I really had a reaction to these chapters. It's pretty late now, and I'm really tired, so I barely have the mind power to understand the words I'm reading, much less have a reaction worth 300+ words. LIke in chapter fourteen. I understood the first part of the chapter, but then I didn't really get what it was trying to say to me. The first part was about how everyone wants to be something more than they are. I totally get that. I want that every day, and this chapter said that we are. It phrased it in a way that even I, in my state of insomnia, could comprehend. But after that, the meaning was lost to me.
Chapter fifteen was really good, I thought. It was kind of like a Korean film in the way it described the lives of the people of the world. Korean films hardly ever have a happy ending and are almost always bittersweet, though the stories they tell could be fantastic. This chapter was like that. It sounded good and was a heartwarming tale at the end when the woman let the boys have the candy, but underneath it told of the sadness and weariness that everyone has to face eventually. The people in this chapter just sounded so sad. The family on the move, who had to leave behind everything and couldn't afford anything else, the couple who would never be happy with what they have, and the truckers and diner workers who will never move on to better things in their lives.
I might go crazy if I were Mae at the diner. Scratch that- I would go crazy. I wouldn't be able to stand the boredom and depression that must come with working at such a diner. Mabye it works for her, but I don't think it does. Secretly, I think she's as unhappy as the rest of us.
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