As I near the end of the book, I'm starting to wonder when the Big Event is going to happen. The Big Event is the one thing that happens in every novel, otherwise called the climax of the story. Nothings really changed yet, so I'm hoping something, anything, happens sometime soon. If nothing big happens, I'm going to feel really disappointed.
Other than my vague sense of disappointment, this chapter was really good. I love how the campers handled the threat to their camp. They really showed those cops who are the better people. A couple of chapters ago, Tom and some acquaintances of his got wind that the police were trying to infiltrate their weekly dance the upcoming Saturday. They told the committee, and the committee came up with a plan which I think is great. They had men watch the perimeter of the camp for anything suspicious and let the man in charge know if the saw anything suspicious. They then rounded them up quickly and quietly and took them to the fence where they were made to leave the camp. Since no body threw a punch, the police had no grounds to enter the camp. It worked really well. I thought for sure someone was going to hit somebody else and things would get out of hand, but they didn't.
Again, these dances sound like a lot of fun. I like the choreographed dances better than freestyle because I'm better at those and don't have to think as much. That could be a reason why the camp people like them too. Even the people who aren't dancing seem to be enjoying themselves. Except for the super-religious among them. I think Steinbeck used the wrong word to describe them. He called them Jesus-lovers. You can love Jesus and still dance like they were. There are better, clearer words to describe those kinds of people. I'm sure they do love Jesus, but they love Him in a more fanatic way than the others.
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