Friday, February 25, 2011

Journal #36: Food Imagery

I do not necessarily have a favorite meal. I have lots of foods that I really like to eat, but not any one favorite combination. Some foods that I really like are chicken coleslaw wraps, red velvet cake, and grape Crush. I know grape Crush is not, in fact a food, but it's one of my favorite sodas, so it is included. If I had all of these foods in a meal, I think it would be as close to a favorite as I have. I guess I'll start my description with the chicken coleslaw wraps. My dad found this recipe a while ago. He breads chicken strips in a special way until they are a nice golden-brown. When I add the chicken to the coleslaw and wrap it up in a tortilla, it results in one of my favorite textures for foods. The chicken is hot and spicy and the coleslaw is sweet and cold. It's a pretty indescribable feeling. I also like how the colors look together. The coleslaw's got the standard green and a bit of orange because my dad makes it with mango for some reason. And the chicken and tortilla give the food a few shades of brown. If I had red velvet cake with it, I would have the deep maroon of the cake to go with all the other colors. Also, I love red velvet cake because, if you make it right, it actually feels like you're eating velvet. The grape crush would complete my rainbow of a meal by throwing purple into the fray. I also love the way grape Crush smells. Like most grape products, it doesn't actually smell like grapes, but I still love it anyway. And it fizzes more often than other sodas, and I like to listen to sodas fizz. This a really randomly put together meal, but it includes lots of color and texture and nice smells, all of which I am draw to like a raccoon is drawn to shiny things. Obviously, they also taste good, otherwise this wouldn't be my almost-favorite meal.

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